What is hypnosis?
"Hypnosis" derives from the Greek "hypnos," the personification of sleep. Yet this is a slight misnomer because you are not asleep when you are hypnotized but in fact in a dual state of consciousness.
A trance state is a natural occurrence that you may well have experienced recently. A trance state enables the logical, everyday part of the brain to have a rest, while the imaginative side comes to the fore.

Hypnotherapy is about harnessing this creative state of mind to enable us to solve a variety of problems.
It can work more quickly than conventional therapy because of this privileged access to the subconscious mind.
Experiencing Anxiety?
If you are experiencing anxiety as a result of the pandemic and lockdown, or even at the prospect of life returning to "normal" please don’t suffer in silence. Get in touch and arrange a Discovery Call today to find out how Bluebird Coaching & Hypnotherapy can help you address your anxiety.